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The Collectors Night is a temporary exhibition for collectors and art lovers, whose "free theme" allows gallery owners to be able to celebrate, raise awareness and disseminate the works of the present. Contemporary art, always evolving, since it is steeped in continuous contamination and permeated by new planetary artistic currents, on the collectors' night finds its ample space in the city of Pietrasanta (LU) through the well-established artistic festival that collects data every year. more interesting. In fact, the Collectors Night 2022, one month earlier than the previous editions, in addition to having obtained great interest from the national and international media, recorded an extraordinary number of guests.
Pietrasanta event, which included exhibitions of Barbara Paci Galleria d'Arte, Futura Art Gallery, Access to Pietrasanta Gallery, Deodato Arte Gallery, Giovanni Bonelli Gallery & LIS10 Gallery, Poggiali Gallery, Susanna Orlando Pietrasanta Gallery, Marcorossi artecontemporanea , and Paola Raffo Contemporary Art, Galleria Tartarelli Laura for Contemporary Art, all registered with ANGAMC, The National Association of Modern and Contemporary Art Galleries has, with great satisfaction, achieved its desired goals: to raise awareness of its many and increasingly diverse market segments and to strengthen Pietrasanta as a center for contemporary art, making it, once Other, among the great destinations for art.
The artistic choices put in place have guided visitors in different worlds, allowing them to range from the proposals related to the African continent of the Giovanni Bonelli Gallery, in collaboration with LIS10 Gallery, always attentive to the realities of the black continent, to that of "Wonderwall ”By the gallery owner Susanna Orlando, who has selected dozens of artists, in a succession of works that have captured the curiosity of visitors; Mr Brainwash, one of the most popular and famous street artists in the world, proposed by Galleria Deodato Arte, is also much admired. In an enthusiastic and varied night of art, the sculptor Massimiliano Pelletti, proposed by Barbara Paci Galleria D'Arte, bewitches, for the occasion he exhibited carefully selected works in different materials that have ranged between the classic and the tribal; the international gallery owners of Accesso Galleria, always on the lookout for new talents, brought to the field the Belgian artist David Deweerdt known for the use of the human body as the central theme of his works; Marcorossi artecontemporanea presented Marco Marchelli, an artist from Ovada, who, between recycling, artistic experimentation and refined creativity, gives new life to materials and objects; Galleria Poggiali proposed three original artists, many different from each other, who presented their latest works. The sculptural and pictorial choice of Paola Raffo Arte Contemporanea and her careful selection of three artists on display are very welcome, as well as the screening of the documentary "Into the Night: Portraits of Life and Death" by the Oscar-nominated director Helen 
Whitney. Galleria Laura Tartarelli of Contemporary Art introduced young artist Martin Luchini and his innovative art is bound by a thread. In such a broad artistic scope, a proposal related to NFT, the protagonist of the Futura Art Gallery, cannot be missing. The various selections of individual exhibitions certainly highlight the historical and cultural cross-section of our time, confirming the authenticity of the project and setting the tone for the remarkable success of the 2022 edition . Alessio Musella critical art writer and own magazine Itly & curator khira jalil Morocco