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Glazed Ceramic
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Habib ZOUINEKH Interdisciplinary Tunisian artist Doctor of arts science and technology Professor of higher education Tunisia He Organized several personal exhibitions and participated in more than twenty group exhibitions Interested in researching the psychological and spiritual mechanisms of the human being, and seeks to search for their detection through a multidisplinary practice. 
A summary of the plastic experience 
My plastic experience is based on an attempt to extrapolate the aesthetic and plastic characteristics of the local artistic heritage in Tunisia, in order to establish a contemporary artistic experience in the areas of ceramic and painting. This experience translates my self-vision in the interpretation of this reference formally by identifying its specific conceptual elaborations related to a spiritual field. 
This artistic framework within the domain of meaning and significance frames a connection with the supreme beauty and an penetration into the essence and absolute within the binaries of the visible and the invisible, the soul and matter, the heavenly and the earthly. In this context, I worked on research to find possible intersections between this heritage and various international experiences and techniques in order to root the artistic practice and find a creative, self-perception out of the ordinary. 

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